Tag Archives: indie band

Choosing, Buying And Selling Band Merchandise

© 2012 Vinny Ribas  Selling merchandise can greatly increase your income. Picking the right items, knowing where to get them, setting the right price and knowing the best ways to sell them will result in greater sales and greater profits! Here are some tips for each of these areas: When picking out merchandise to sell: …

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20 Ways To Market Your Act Or Your Music For Little Or No Money

© 2011 Vinny Ribas You can make YouTube videos at home. Build your own channel. If you play covers, videos of you performing those songs can drive attention to you as an artist. You can then lead your fans to your original music. Build relationships on social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn. People who ‘know…

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Why They Call It ‘Music Business’

© 2010 Vinny Ribas We’ve all heard the saying, ‘They call it music BUSINESS for a reason.’ Yet I often get asked what that really means. So, to illustrate the point, I am going to try to compare building your career as an independent musician to building a traditional type of brick and mortar business.…

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‘No!’ Is A Personal Opinion

When anybody (especially a young, starry-eyed wannabe with her whole yellow-brick-road life laid out ahead of her), informs me that her greatest dream is to be a singer, or a singer/songwriter, or a recording artist, or a rock star, (even to be rich and famous), I respond by saying this: “You’d better get used to…

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The Makings Of A Music Superstar

© 2010 Vinny Ribas Superstar status is only given to a select few out of the millions of entertainers and sports figures in the world. I am not talking about the flash-in-the-pan, one-hit wonder artist. I am not talking about the artist that jumps on the latest trend and rides the wave as long as…

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“Using Innovation To Set Yourself Apart From Other Independent Artists” by Vinny Ribas

© 2010 Vinny Ribas The biggest thing that you, as an independent artist or musician, can do to for your own career is to find a way to set yourself apart from the pack. In a world of copycats and knock-offs, this may seem an impossible task. However, hundreds of thousands of artists have found…

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Planning To Be Famous

© 2010 Vinny Ribas Let’s say you and your band members pooled your money and spent $1,000 on a really cool music video. And low and behold, it went viral on YouTube and was seen by 1,00,000 people in a week! Then David Letterman decided to air it on his show, reaching countless millions more. Now, because…

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Where Did All Of My Fans Go?

© 2010 Vinny Ribas These days the music market is more fickle and ever changing than ever. Your fans have an uncountable number of choices regarding the music they want to listen to and ultimately buy. And they themselves are changing. They grow up, take on different roles in life, find new interests etc. As…

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Why Musicians Quit Part 3 – Not Wanting It Badly Enough

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Making Great Impressions

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