Category Archives: Blog

Indie Connect’s ongoing blog with new training and news.

The Key To Financial Success As An Indie Artist: Build Machines

Most indie artists that I have met create first, and then wonder what to do with their creations.  It is vital to realize that an indie artist’s carer only becomes profitable when he (or she) puts processes in place to automatically turn his actions into income. Think about any other manufacturer. Would it be wise…

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Making Connections

Today’s Tip:  Build and maintain relationships with as many people as you can in and out of the music industry. You never know who they know, who they might meet, or who they might become (e’g head of a record label). You may not need them for another 5 years. But when you do, you…

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Do Your Homework – Pre-Studio Production & Preparation

What to Know Before You Enter the Recording Studio © 2012 James Hearn This series explores things a band or artist needs to think about before spending time and money in a recording studio. As a producer and audio engineer for the past fifteen years or so, I’ve had the chance to work with…

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Rules of Engagement – Building Strong Music Industry Relationships

The smartest thing any indie artist or songwriter can do is learn how to earn the support of  influential people. © 2012 Vinny Ribas With the growth of social networks has come the ability to connect with just about anyone. If you are adept at networking, either in person or online, you can contact people quite…

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Giving The Gift Of Music

© 2019 Vinny Ribas In these tough economic times, everyone is cutting corners. One place we tend to cut back is on gift-giving. Since you have musical talent, here are some ideas that can save you money and just might mean more to your family and friends than the anything you could buy from a…

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Don’t Wait To Make A Difference

© 2010 Vinny Ribas I am pleased at the number of artists that I meet who just want to be famous enough thatt they can ‘make a difference’ in the lives of others. However, I am concerned that they think they need to wait for celebrity status to have an impact. I believe that you…

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Guarding Your Brand And Reputation

© 2011 Vinny Ribas Let’s face it – we are all human. And as human nature would have it, sometimes we do or say something that we wish hadn’t. It might be a quick slip of the tongue, telling a joke that offends someone or sending an email that is construed wrong. And if we…

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With Influence Comes Responsibility

© 2011 Vinny Ribas As an artist who performs in public, you want people to pay attention to you. That’s how they become fans. But in chasing this, whether you realize it or not, you put yourself in a position of influence. You are the man or woman on stage who is telling the audience…

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