Category Archives: Marketing & PR

5 Ways To Win New Fans

Your job is to ‘WOW’ your audiences so that they become ardent and enthusiastic fans. Here are 5 ways to do that:

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Why Do Your Fans Like You?

© 2009 Vinny Ribas It is very important for every artist to know who their fans are and why they are fans in the first place. Knowing this is the only way that you can insure that you keep delivering what they expect and want more of. If you think they like you for one…

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Push vs. Pull Marketing

© 2009 Vinny Ribas There are 2 ways to market anything – ‘push’ and ‘pull’ marketing. Push marketing means that the company is flooding the market with ads of their product in the hopes that enough people will be bold enough to try it to maker it worth while. Major record labels have been especially…

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Branding: The ‘Cross Between’

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What Are Friends For? Your Street Team, Of Course!

© 2009 Vinny Ribas Being on stage with an appreciative audience is a very exhilarating experience. It is awesome feeling ‘popular’, even if it is just for a little while. However, in between shows, taking care of the business of getting gigs, marketing yourself, sending out contracts etc can be very frustrating. This is especially…

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10 Ways To Effectively Increase Your Notoriety

© 2009 Vinny Ribas 1. Perform at charity events, especially those with notoriety. Offer to perform before the organization plans their events. That way you are their first choice. They might even create an event around you! 2. Ask friends if you can open for them. Don’t hog the show. What you really want from…

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